Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Upload Cells

The upload cells functionality in Campaign Manager allows you to upload the Cell tab data used on the Campaign to a Look-Up table in Email Manager, provided at least one variable is present on the Campaign.

Global and local variables, with either free text choice lists or database columns, are supported. The Look-Up table name created in Email Manager is the Campaign ID followed by the date and time the Look-Up table was created.

When you have imported the Look-Up table into Email Manager, to use within Campaign Managers 'Send a Message' functionality you need to create variables then select the variables for use on the creative.

Creating variables

Look-Up tables are used in conjunction with variables so you need to add these. You need to create two types of variables:

  • a container (or key) variable to use as the Key value allowing the Email Campaign to use the associated linked variables
  • linked variables that link to columns in the Look-Up table
Note: For information on how to create new container variables, refer to the Email Manager help documentation.

Selecting variables for use on the creative

Linking the Send a Message Tactic in Campaign Manager to this Look-Up Table. For the Send a Message Tactic in Campaign Manager to Link to the Look-Up table within Email Manager, the campaign in Campaign Manager must contain cells and at least one variable, configured on the Variables tab.


  1. Create container variable
  2. Select the Hidden from User (Always Use Default) option.

  1. Click Save.

Create linked variable

  1. The default value for this variable must be the container variable.
  2. Check the Convert Values via Look-Up tables check box.
  3. Select the relevant look-up table and Replace Column field.

  1. Click Save when all fields have been completed.

These steps will need to be completed for each column on the look-up table that is linked to a variable.

  1. Select the variables for use on the creative

Ensure these variables are in use within the Creative Template. For further information see the Email Manager help files.

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